Category: DIY

  • Home Assistant and breaking changes (27. 12. 2023)

    I’ve been running #homeassistant for 2 years now and have never dealt with breaking changes. Until today. 1st breaking change: #ESPHome entities are unavailable After updating Home Assistant Core to 2023.12.4 and ESPHome to the latest (Dec. 2023) I’ve noticed ESP entities marked as ‘Unavailable‘. Moreover, all entities had duplicates in the entity list ending…

  • Pimp my dishwasher part 2

    In my previous post, I wrote about measuring the consumption of the dishwasher using a Tuya smart socket and Home Assistant. The bottom line was that buying a new one doesn’t pay off. But there’s more to it. Knowing how much it consumes per washing cycle I found an issue with the door microswitch which…

  • How much electricity does 20y old dishwasher consume (Tuya Zigbee smart socket test)

    Aliexpress Santa delivered a cheap (10€) Tuya smart socket (Zigbee version). I have several Aquara smart sockets (SP-EUC01) around the house that work really well in #homeassistant. But they cost 20-25€. I wanted to test the #Tuya smart socket this time. Not sure exactly which model it is, Aliex… markets it as “Homekit Tuya Smart…

  • The water meter experiment failed successfully

    This, my dears, this is how to fail spectacularly:I wanted to measure my home’s water consumption and track it in Home Assistant. I failed (for now). Read on to find out what happens if you buy all the correct components, follow the instructions but fail to check the type of the water meter first. I’ve…

  • Popravilo pipe Camargue Toronto

    Popravilo pipe Camargue Toronto

    Problem Voda iz kopalniške pipe (Camargue Toronto, stara eno leto) nima pravega pritiska – teče po kapljicah. Odstranil in očistil sem mrežico, vendar ni bilo pravega učinka. Sumim, da je pipa zamašena nekje drugje. Poleg tega – googlanje ni vrnilo nobenega pravega razultata, zato sem na hitro spisal tale navodila, morda komu pridejo prav. Rešitev…

  • Visoka greda iz palet z vgrajenim kompostnikom

    Visoka greda iz palet z vgrajenim kompostnikom

     Z minimalnimi stroški do visokih gred Od ogrevanja s peleti mi je ostalo nekaj nosilnih palet. Kaj naj z njimi? Žena predlaga – visoke grede. Ok. Lani, ko smo bili doma zaradi lock-downa, sva naredila 4 in so se dobro obnesle. Zelenjava bistveno bolje uspeva, kot na talnem vrtu:        Imajo pa 2 pomankljivosti:…

  • Menjava ustnika/izgorevalne cevi na gorilniku FER Micro P7 (Ferroli Sun P7 oz. Lamborghini)

    Menjava ustnika/izgorevalne cevi na gorilniku FER Micro P7 (Ferroli Sun P7 oz. Lamborghini)

    Menjava ustnika/izgorevalne cevi na gorilniku FER Micro P7 (Ferroli Sun P7) Po 5 ogrevalnih sezonah je izgorevalna cev na mojem gorilniku za pelete FER Micro P7 začela kazati znake dotrajanosti. Na zgornjem desnem delu cevi se je najprej pojavila majhna vdrtina, premera cca 1 cm. Pri vsakem čiščenju pepela sem jo opazoval in – rasla…

  • Izdelava LED akvarijske luči (za manj kot 10€)

    Izdelava LED akvarijske luči (za manj kot 10€)

    Povsem običajen začetek zapisa:  Crknila mi je akvarijska luč. Res je, bila je stara že več kot 20 let. Menjal sem fluoroescentke, štarterje, vendar brez uspeha. Najverjetneje je crknil visokonapetostni trafo. Pa še … ni bila ravno višek vizualne estetike (glej luč za mačko): Slika 1: stara luč Zato sem se odločil, da kupim ali…