Category: IoT

  • When did I change the batteries in my sensors?

    When did I change the batteries in my sensors?

    Last month I learned about the integration which helps track battery change status in various devices connected to #homeassistant. Today I finally had some time to install #HACS integration (source) called ‘Battery Notes‘ which was written by Andrew. After the installation and HA restart, it automatically found my #Aqara battery devices (#Zigbee buttons, magnetic door…

  • Home Assistant and breaking changes (27. 12. 2023)

    I’ve been running #homeassistant for 2 years now and have never dealt with breaking changes. Until today. 1st breaking change: #ESPHome entities are unavailable After updating Home Assistant Core to 2023.12.4 and ESPHome to the latest (Dec. 2023) I’ve noticed ESP entities marked as ‘Unavailable‘. Moreover, all entities had duplicates in the entity list ending…

  • How much electricity does 20y old dishwasher consume (Tuya Zigbee smart socket test)

    Aliexpress Santa delivered a cheap (10€) Tuya smart socket (Zigbee version). I have several Aquara smart sockets (SP-EUC01) around the house that work really well in #homeassistant. But they cost 20-25€. I wanted to test the #Tuya smart socket this time. Not sure exactly which model it is, Aliex… markets it as “Homekit Tuya Smart…

  • The water meter experiment failed successfully

    This, my dears, this is how to fail spectacularly:I wanted to measure my home’s water consumption and track it in Home Assistant. I failed (for now). Read on to find out what happens if you buy all the correct components, follow the instructions but fail to check the type of the water meter first. I’ve…

  • Regulacija ogrevanja z Aqara IoT

    Regulacija ogrevanja z Aqara IoT

     Kako najenostavneje regulirati ogrevanje z Aqara IoT pritiklinami? Pred kratkim sem hišni ogrevalni sistem razširil s četrto vejo, ki je namenjena ogrevanju kletne etaže in pisarne. Obstoječe 3 ogrevalne veje (talno, radiatorsko in bojler) mi uspešno krmili regulacija Seltron WDC20. Ta regulacijski sistem je poln – nima več prostih relejev, vhodov za senzorje, niti nima…