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E-ink display showing temperatures from Home Assistant

I had this #esp32 #lilygo board* laying in the drawer for more than 2 years. I tried several times to make the e-ink display work without success.
Today I flashed it again with the latest #esphome firmware, stole some code from the web, tinkered for 2 hrs with and lambdas and whatnot and suddenly… it’s alive!**

e-ink display showing time, 2 temperatures (heatpump outside unit, aqara outside button) and humidity from nearby weather station

(*not affiliated with any vendor, just randomly buying stuff from China)

(** alive means: it shows values of sensors from the HA server, this board has ‘only’ a display, but no sensors)

The procedure

I bought this board from Banggod: LILYGO® TTGO T5 WiFi Wireless Module bluetooth Base ESP-32 ESP32 2.13 e-Paper Display Development Board

It’s a thin ESP32 board with an attached e-ink display.

ESP32 lilygo e-ink board in a webshop
  1. I connected it to the computer via USB, then flashed it with ESPHome via . Nothing special here. Maybe I had to hold the ‘boot’ button to flash it for the first time, I don’t remember exactly, each ESP board has it differently.
  2. I searched if somebody succeeded using this display in ESPHome and yes, of course:
  3. Fonts:
    • Searched for Roboto-Regular.ttf font, found it on Google Fonts, downloaded it,
    • connected to my HA server using HA Samba Share add-on,
    • copied fonts to folder on HA server, path: \config\esphome\_fonts
  4. Edited ESPHome yaml from Home Assistant
  5. Reused the code from the examples above and after a bit of trial-and-error I hit the right display model.

The code that works for me:

(skipping the wifi and other initialization code )


Firstly, we have to load fonts to the ESP board:

#load fonts from HA server, \config\esphome\_fonts\Roboto-Regular.ttf
  - file: "_fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"
    id: roboto
    size: 15

  - file: "_fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf"
    id: roboto2
    size: 32

I have 2 definitions for fonts, the only difference is size (15 and 32px). Will need them later at it.printf… command.

Display definition and output (bolded models work for me):

#for display
  clk_pin: 18
  mosi_pin: 23

  - platform: waveshare_epaper
    cs_pin: 5
    dc_pin: 17
    busy_pin: 4
    reset_pin: 16
    #model: 2.90inv2
    model: 2.13in-ttgo-b74
    update_interval: 1min
    full_update_every: 30
    rotation: 270
    lambda: |-
      it.strftime(0, 0, id(roboto2), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", id(homeassistant_time).now());
      it.printf(0, 33, id(roboto2), "Temp: %.1f°C, %.1f°C", id(outside_temperature).state, id(outside_temperature_button).state);
      it.printf(0, 66, id(roboto2), "Humidity: %.1f%%", id(outside_humidity).state);

The first part of the code (spi, display…) is for the screen initialization and setup.

The ‘lambda’ part of the code is for writing out the text.

The first it.strftime… line outputs the current date and time. How to get time from HA? See below.

The second it.printf… line outputs temperatures from my sensors pulled from Home Assistant (will explain later).

The third it.printf… line outputs outside humidity from the weather integration pulled from Home Assistant (will explain later).

I used the following instructions to learn about lambda, outputting, formatting: ESPHome1(print), ESPHome2(fonts), ESPHome3(sensor values from HA).

Getting time from HA

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: homeassistant_time

Getting sensor values from HA

Getting sensor values from HA is easy. Firstly, I went to HA / Settings / Devices / Entities, searched for my sensor and copied its name (Entity ID):

Home assistant, getting entity name

Then I used entity name in ESPHome yaml:

# Pull data from Home Assistant
#from toplotna 
  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "Outside temperature Sensor From Home Assistant"
    id: outside_temperature
    entity_id: sensor.toplotna_outside_temperature

#from Aqara button 
  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "Outside temperature Aqara button Sensor From Home Assistant"
    id: outside_temperature_button
    entity_id: sensor.aqara_button_01_device_temperature

# from weather integration
  - platform: homeassistant
    name: "Outside humidity from Home Assistant"
    id: outside_humidity
    entity_id: weather.forecast_morje 
    attribute: humidity

id: name of the variable that can be used in YAML code elsewhere (when printing)

entity_id: name of the entity from Home Assistant.

I used entity state value (first 2 entities – temperatures) and attribute value (3rd entity – humidity).

To get the attribute name, I went to HA / Developer tools / States /

Home Assistant, getting attribute name

I don’t have an outside humidity sensor, so I used the nearest weather station humidity value. Good enough 🙂

e-ink display showing time, temperature and humidity

Looks good, but I want it nicer. For example, I want glyphs (mdi: … ) images for temperature and humidity. Like those:

thermometer icon

Again, searched a bit and found these gems:

So I downloaded glyphs (materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf) from Github, uploaded it to HA, modified ESPHome yaml code and added font definition:

  - file: "_fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf"
    id: material2
    size: 32
      - "\U000F0510" # mdi:thermometer-lines
      - "\U000F058E" # mdi:water-percent

And the output:

      it.printf(0, 33, id(material2), "\U000F0510");

This line of code prints the thermometer glyph before the sensor value.

Where did I get the Unicode number of glyph? Here:

Final result:

e-ink display showing time, 2 temperatures (heatpump outside unit, aqara outside button) and humidity from nearby weather station


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