Tag: humidity
Flashing Xiaomi BLE sensors and integrating it in Home Assistant
Flashing Xiaomi BLE sensors and integrating it in Home Assistant There is no such thing as ‘too much’ temperature and humidity sensors, right? So I bough another 5 Xiaomi Mi BLE sensors (in Nov. 2024) model LYWSD03MMC. I wanted to flash them OTA (over-the-air) with custom firmware as previous 7 sensor (bougth in 2022-23). But…
Bathroom dehumidifying using a floating humidity threshold
Blog: Bathroom dehumidifying using two sensors and a floating humidity threshold. Link to the original blog post with a nice text/pictures layout. The problem: The bathroom fan is running too long if it’s raining outside. A year ago I automated the dehumidifying of the bathroom using an extraction fan, Sonoff mini switch, Xiaomi Mi BLE…