Category: Selfhosting
Moodle, SMTP, GMail and App passwords
Configuring outgoing email in Moodle via GMail’s SMTP servers I have to write it down because I will surely forget it. The problem I want to enable email sending from the Moodle server via Gmail / Google SMTP server. If I enter Google Account credentials to Moodle’s SMTP configuration, it doesn’t work. Google Account config…
The state of my Home Assistant in 2024
The state of my Home Assistant in 2024 Update (3. 12. 2024) – Misc integrations, Addons and HACS added. My #homeautomation journey started 4 yrs ago (2020) when I bought 1 Aqara #zigbee hub, 1 room temp. sensor and 1 smart socket (for controling the heating of the office). I started with Aqara app. with…
Make Glances run automatically after Raspberry Pi reboot
Run Glances at RBPI startup If you’re reading this on fediverse and the layout is off, here’s the link to the original blog post with a nice text & pictures layout. In my previous post, I struggled to run glances on my Raspberry Pi Zero W. After a first reboot I stared to my Home…
Selfhosting – ductape and sticks all the way down
#selfhosting is a beautiful thing because of the one and only reason: when I decide, I can just turn off that old laptop(s) that is(are) cosplaying servers and I’m gone from the internet. Ok, probably my content will remain on Internet Archive. Scrapers also scraped my content so… my dissapearance is probably just an illusion,…