About me

Sometimes I have an urgent need to express myself in writing.

I need a place to show the world what I’m working on, thinking or venting about. It’s mostly for me, so I don’t forget how I did what I did.

I’ve hosted my blog posts mostly on Google (Blogger) and LinkedIn for many years.

Finally, I’m old enough to take control and self-host it.

What I’m writing about? This:

3dprint 3dprinting apexchart Aqara archive bathroom Bosch case chrome cobiss digitalheritage diy Docker eknjige ela esp32cam ESPHome fediverse fig firefox FireHD harddrive homeassistant humidity inkpad3 LED Linux LXC Mint moonlamp PiHole pocketbook Proxmox repair scarecrow slider til Vallhorn VirtualBox WatchYourLan WordPress YAKK yaml Zigbee Zigbee2MQTT


Tomislav – Tomi Rozman

P. S. Want to see updates of this blog in your Mastodon (Pleroma, Firefish,… or any Fediverse app) timeline? Follow this blog from your Fediverse account (@tomi@blog.rozman.info):

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All posts are licensed as Creative Commons – CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Additional: AI scraping etc. by corporates is not allowed.